HEAL Platforms are tools to support your healthcare technology requirements
From tools to support the integration of your laboratory systems to managing your veterinary hospital and integrating your systems communications, HEAL Platforms are tools to support your healthcare management in various technology aspects
Laborartory Integration system is a solution to integrate lab machines. LIS is able to integrate modern machines such as i-stat to legacy systems .We are helping enterprises to integrate and automate laborartory equipments ,process and data to reduce costs and improve efficiency
Veterinary Hospital Management system is used to manage the patients , appointments , visits , treatment etc. Vetenary hospital management system manages a rich workflow required to handle a vetenary hospital/clinic. It reduces the wastage of clients & doctors time by appointment and scheduling
HEAL Integrator
HEAL Integrator allows asynchronous communicatiion between IT systems & to process captured event data. In simple words multiple users can use captured event data at same event .by selecting our cloud consolidator solution you can simplify your consolidation process .
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